CyberVerse Advisors

C3 - Cyber Connective Corp

Cyber Security, Connected

Cyber Connective Platform

Cyber Connective Platform is a comprehensive cybersecurity solution designed to provide high-level security for enterprises worldwide.
Achieves full asset management, identity and access management, user access review, network security, and data protection​​. It provides a comprehensive overview of an organization’s full cybersecurity program and is presented in a user-friendly and auditeable dashboard. This platform also allows for connectivity and interoperability between diverse and disparate cybersecurity tools to combine data from all assets, users, and points of measurement across all existing and future cybersecurity technologies

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About Us

Keeping up with Technology is a challenge in itself. Keeping it safe is another.

Our unique cybersecurity tool, The Cyber Connective Platform, provides the solution for company systems, small and large, across the world to face emerging cybersecurity challenges. 


The Connective Vision

The Connective Platform enables a comprehensive overview of an organization’s full cyber security program, presented in a user-friendly and audited dashboard to operations, management, and executives. It also enables connectivity and interoperability between diverse and disparate cybersecurity tools to combine data from all assets, users and points of measurement across all existing and future cybersecurity technologies. It has the ability to detect vulnerabilities and threats in near real-time, provide remediation instructions, and understand which cybersecurity technologies and tools are most and least effective for the organization.